Megjelenés ideje: 2018. február 13.
Kiadó: Trillian
Oldalak száma (nyomtatott verzió): 380 oldal
The root of all madness is an unbearable truth…
At seventeen, Willow Holloway’s life was torn apart. The happy, driven girl is gone, and she is left wracked by post-traumatic stress her body remembers even if she does not. When her father suddenly uproots the family from their posh penthouse in New York City to the tiny town of Harmony, Indiana, Willow becomes more untethered and lost under the weight of her secret. On a whim, she auditions for a part in the community theater’s production of Hamlet and unexpectedly wins the role of Ophelia—the girl who is undone by madness, and her love of Hamlet…
Isaac Pearce is from the ‘wrong side of the tracks.’ The town bad boy. Girls pine for his attention and guys are in awe of him. That he’s an acting prodigy only adds to his charisma. Isaac utterly disappears into his characters; the stage is the only place he feels safe from his own traumatic home life. He wants nothing more than to escape to Broadway or Hollywood and leave Harmony behind for good.
No one can play Hamlet but Isaac, and when the director pairs him with Willow in acting class, they clash again and again—neither willing to open their hearts to anyone. But clashing leads to breaking, breaking leads to the spilling of terrible secrets, and soon Isaac and Willow find Shakespeare’s words mirroring their lives. When they are cruelly torn apart, neither know how this play will end—with madness and heartache? Or healing, love, and the discovery of who they are truly meant to be.
In Harmony is a standalone YOUNG ADULT/NEW ADULT love story, and is intended for readers 18 and up. PLEASE NOTE, this book contains sensitive material such as physical abuse, and the aftermath of sexual assault (off the page). Reader discretion is advised.


*ARC kindly provided by the author in exchange for an honest review*

You’re my until. The one that makes everything better.

Csak két szó: az érzéseim…
Annyira érzelmes volt.
És annyira gyönyörű.
Emma Scott, egy nagyon-nagyon-nagyon csodálatos történetet alkottál. És összetörted a szívem. Újra. Először a Full Tilt-tel, most pedig az In Harmony-val.
De most komolyan: annyira csodálatra méltó könyv volt. Kívülről és belülről is. Csak nézzetek a borítójára: hát nem szépséges? Véleményem szerint, de, nagyon is az. Ezután olvassátok el a fülszöveget: kíváncsi lettél tőle? Most azonnal olvasni akarod? Akkor gyerünk, szerezzétek be és kezdjetek is neki, ugyanis 100%-ig biztos vagyok benne, hogy le lesztek nyűgözve és hamar a kedvencetekké fog válni. De mielőtt nagyon belemerülnétek hagy adjak nektek egy jó kis tanácsot: győződjetek meg róla, hogy van a közeletekben papír zsebkendő. Szükségetek lesz rá.

Most pedig néhány spoilermentes mondatban bemutatom nektek a történetet:
Női főszereplőnk Willow Holloway, aki egészen a tizenhetedik szülinapjáig egy átlagosnak és többnyire boldognak mondható tinédzser volt, azonban ekkor nagyon megváltozott, ugyanis történt valami a szülinapi buliján. Valami rettenetes. Ezután a lány sokat változott és már nem ugyanolyan, mint amilyen volt. A későbbiekben Willow szülei bejelentik, hogy el kell költözniük New York Cityből Indianába. A lány ezzel kapcsolatban még egy kicsit boldognak is mondható, hiszen végre elhagyhatja ezt a helyet, ahol a szörnyűség történet vele, békére találhat és új életet kezdhet.
A férfi főhős a tizenkilenc éves Isaac Pearce, aki egy igazi tehetség.  Egy Harmonyban található színházban dolgozik, tehetsége van a színészethez, tudja, hogy hogyan kell játszani a színpadon, a közönség pedig teljesen el van ájulva tőle. Azonban itt a vége a boldog dolgoknak. Fájdalmas múlttal rendelkezik, elvesztette az egyik szülőjét, az élete már egyáltalán nem olyan, mint egykor volt. Amilyen gyorsan csak lehet, el akarja hagyni Harmonyt.
Aztán, Willow a szüleivel ebbe a városkába költözik, Isaac pedig egyszerűen nem tudja levenni a szemeit a lányról, pedig egyáltalán nem akar közel kerülni hozzá, hiszen hamarosan elköltözik. De minden meg tud változni, ha azt akarjuk, hogy megváltozzon, igaz? Sosem túl késő.

Emma Scott In Harmony című regénye igazán varázslatosra sikeredett, telis-tele van csodálatos karakterekkel. Willow teljes mértékben egy kedves, de ugyanakkor kitartó és bátor lány, Angie a ’legjobb barát’ definíciója, Isaac pedig annyira inspiráló, bátor és egyben nagyon félreismert. Mindenki azt gondolja, hogy ő csak tipikusan a „rossz fiú mindenféle érzelmek nélkül”. Egyáltalán nem ilyen. Willow és Isaac külön-külön is nagyszerűek, együtt pedig még erősebbek.

When I’m with you, I don’t feel the need to be somewhere else or to be someone else. I can be in my own skin without it hurting so fucking badly. That’s a gift, Willow. One I can never repay you for.

És még valami: a lány szülei rendesen megleptek a könyv vége felé, de amikor ez bekövetkezett csak ennyit tudtam mondani: VÉGRE!
Az epilógus pedig…
Egyszerűen TÖKÉLETES.
Méltó befejezést kapott a könyv.
Nyugodtan kijelenthetem, hogy Emma Scott nagyon ért az érzelmes történetek írásához és igazán jó is benne. Remélem, hogy egyszer még több magyar olvasó megismerheti az ő nevét.
Romantikus könyvek kedvelői: el kell olvasnotok.

Borító: Szépséges, imádom. ♥
Kedvenc karakter(ek): Isaac (♥), Willow, Angie, Marty, Benny
Nem szimpatikus karakter(ek): Xavier
Ajánlom? Természetesen, ez nem is kérdés! Minden romantikakedvelőnek ajánlom az In Harmonyt.
Értékelés: Az öt csillag nem igazán elég arra, hogy kifejezzem, mennyire is szerettem ezt a regényt. Az értékelő skálán a kis könyvet egyértelműen az „Imádtam”-hoz rakom.


Kedvenc idézetek:

Someday, Willow, you might find yourself cast into darkness too. I hope that day never comes. If it does, it will be scary at first. But you will see your own brilliance. Your own strength. And you will shine.

“Now that we are this far along, what do you think of Hamlet?”
“He talks too much.”
Marty sat back in his chair, lips pursed, thinking. “Can you expand on that?”
“He talks too fucking much.”

The love was there first.

Doubt thou the stars are fire,
Doubt that the sun doth move,
Doubt truth to be a liar,
But never doubt I love.

You shook me to the bone in a way I've never felt before and I couldn't take my eyes off you.

“Act Two, Scene Two. A2, S2.” I pulled her close. “Remember?”
Her lips parted, and her cheeks turned pink. “Of course I do. The letter. Never doubt…”
“Never doubt, Willow.” I kissed her again. In that moment, it seemed so easy.
So perfect, I could almost forget the words were written for a tragedy.


“I’m so…not into being with someone right now,” Willow said with a nervous lilt to her words. “Not for a while, anyway.”
I heard a whisper on the breeze, or ever again. A heaviness in her eyes hinted she had lost something and had almost given up trying to find it.
She hasn’t given up, I thought, a fierce admiration welling in me. That’s why she’s doing the play. To find it again.
In that moment, I vowed to try to cut out all the egotistical bullshit and jealousy over Justin. The dance was out of range now anyway. I couldn’t ask her to go even if I wanted to. Which I didn’t. My job was to help her find what she was looking for in Hamlet, however I could. Even as it dented my eagerness to get the hell out of Harmony.
Willow shielded her eyes from the sun and squinted at me. “So what about you?”
“What about me?”
“Do you like anyone?” she asked, her voice a half tone higher than usual. She laughed. “That’s such a high school thing to ask.”
“No,” I said. “If all goes to plan, I’m leaving Harmony, remember? Stupid to start something now.”
“Sure. Makes sense.”
A silence fell.
“Yeah, so I probably won’t go to the dance,” Willow said. “I’m not good in that kind of situation anymore.”
“What kind of situation?”
She shook her head. “Never mind. I should get back.”
Willow started to scoot down off the block. I held my hand out to her to help. She hesitated for a fraction of a second and then took it. I held my other hand out and she took that too. I steadied her as she hopped down and then we were standing face to face. Close enough I could see her pale blue eyes had lighter shards of blue in them, like a topaz. Close enough to smell the sweetness of her breath—coffee tinged with sugar. Close enough to dance if we wanted.
“Thanks,” Willow said, gazing up at me.
“Sure,” I said.
I still held her hands. She didn’t let go.
“So,” she breathed, still not moving.
I glanced down at our hands. I hadn’t touched something this soft and good in ages. The sleeve of her coat bunched up and I spied a black mark on the inside of her forearm, close to her wrist. Willow drew in a breath as I turned her hand over. An X, about the size of a quarter, was stark on her pale skin.
She tugged her hands away. “I really need to get back.”
Every instinct cried out to take her hand again, to ask her what the X meant. To lick my thumb and erase it off her skin. I didn’t know what it meant but the sight of it made my stomach feel heavy.
“I doodle when I’m bored. I told you that.” Her voice was sharp but her smile wobbled. “Let’s go.”
We walked the short distance back to town wordlessly. Back in front of the theater, Willow shouldered her bag and glanced around. “Thanks for today. I think Martin would be happy with our progress.”
“I do too.”
God, would he, I thought.
“So, I guess I’ll see you Monday?” she said.
“You have a ride home?”
“Oh, uh…” She still wouldn’t meet my eyes. “I was thinking of walking.”
“To Emerson Hills?” I said. “That’s a mile and a half and it’s getting dark soon.”
She raised her brows. “I’m not allowed to walk in the dark?”
“You’re allowed,” I said, “but I don’t want you to.”

Az írónő elérhetőségei:
Twitter: @EmmaS_writes
Instagram: @emmascottwrites


Publication date: February 13, 2018
Publisher: Trillian
Print Lenght: 380 pages
The root of all madness is an unbearable truth…
At seventeen, Willow Holloway’s life was torn apart. The happy, driven girl is gone, and she is left wracked by post-traumatic stress her body remembers even if she does not. When her father suddenly uproots the family from their posh penthouse in New York City to the tiny town of Harmony, Indiana, Willow becomes more untethered and lost under the weight of her secret. On a whim, she auditions for a part in the community theater’s production of Hamlet and unexpectedly wins the role of Ophelia—the girl who is undone by madness, and her love of Hamlet…
Isaac Pearce is from the ‘wrong side of the tracks.’ The town bad boy. Girls pine for his attention and guys are in awe of him. That he’s an acting prodigy only adds to his charisma. Isaac utterly disappears into his characters; the stage is the only place he feels safe from his own traumatic home life. He wants nothing more than to escape to Broadway or Hollywood and leave Harmony behind for good.
No one can play Hamlet but Isaac, and when the director pairs him with Willow in acting class, they clash again and again—neither willing to open their hearts to anyone. But clashing leads to breaking, breaking leads to the spilling of terrible secrets, and soon Isaac and Willow find Shakespeare’s words mirroring their lives. When they are cruelly torn apart, neither know how this play will end—with madness and heartache? Or healing, love, and the discovery of who they are truly meant to be.
In Harmony is a standalone YOUNG ADULT/NEW ADULT love story, and is intended for readers 18 and up. PLEASE NOTE, this book contains sensitive material such as physical abuse, and the aftermath of sexual assault (off the page). Reader discretion is advised.


*ARC kindly provided by the author in exchange for an honest review*

You’re my until. The one that makes everything better.

Just two words: my feels…
So many feelings.
It was so beautiful.
Emma Scott, you created a really-really-really wonderful story. And you broke my heart. Again. Firstly, with Full Tilt, and now with In Harmony.
Seriously guys, it was such an admirable book. Inside and outside too. Just look at that cover: isn’t that gorgeous? In my opinion, yes, it is. Definitely. Then, read the synopsis: does it make you curious? You want to read it immediately? Well then, go ahead, because I’m 100% sure that you’ll be impressed and it will be your next favourite. But before you jump into reading, I would like to give you a pro tip: make sure that you have a lot of tissue paper near you. You’ll need these.

Now, let me just shortly introduce you the story in a spoiler-free way:
The heroine is Willow Holloway and she was a normal and mostly happy teenager until her seventeenth birthday, because something happend in that party. Something really bad. Since that day she’s changed a lot and now she is not like she used to be. Later, her parents announce that they’ll move from New York City to Indiana. Willow is happy, because she hopes that she can find some peace and start a new life.
The male main character is  nineteen years old Isaac Pearce, who is a real talent.  He acts in a theatre in Harmony , he really knows how to play on the stage, and everybody is mesmerized by him. But the bright side of his story ends here. He has a very painful past, he lost one of his parents, and his life is not the same any more. He wants to leave Harmony as soon as possible.  Then, Willow moves to Harmony with her parents and he can not take his eyes away from the girl, but he don’t want to get close to her because he wants to leave. But everything can change if we want to change it, right? It’s never too late.

In Harmony by Emma Scott was amazing and full with marvelous characters. Willow was such a brave, kind and strong female character, Angie is the definition of ’the best friend’, and Isaac was so inspirational, courageous and misunderstood. Everybody saw him as the bad boy without feeling but it is not true. He was far away from that. Willow and Isaac are wonderful characters but they’re more powerful together. 

When I’m with you, I don’t feel the need to be somewhere else or to be someone else. I can be in my own skin without it hurting so fucking badly. That’s a gift, Willow. One I can never repay you for.

By the way: her parents surpirsed me, especially at the end. When that happened I was like: FINALLY!
And the epilogue…
I can say that Emma knows how to write emotional stories and she is really good at it. I hope sometimes hungarian readers can read form her, because Hungary definitely should know her name.
Romance readers: you need to read this one. 
PS.: Thank you Emma Scott for this wonderful opportunity! :)

Cover: Gorgeous, I love it. ♥
Favourite character(s): Isaac (♥), Willow, Angie, Marty, Benny
I didn’t really like that/these character(s): Xavier
Recommend it? Sure! Everybody who likes romantic novels should read In Harmony.
Rating: 5 stars are not enough to show how much I loved this book. In the scale it is not a question that I put the little book image on ’I adored it.’.


Favourite quote(s):

Someday, Willow, you might find yourself cast into darkness too. I hope that day never comes. If it does, it will be scary at first. But you will see your own brilliance. Your own strength. And you will shine.

“Now that we are this far along, what do you think of Hamlet?”
“He talks too much.”
Marty sat back in his chair, lips pursed, thinking. “Can you expand on that?”
“He talks too fucking much.”

The love was there first.

Doubt thou the stars are fire,
Doubt that the sun doth move,
Doubt truth to be a liar,
But never doubt I love.

You shook me to the bone in a way I've never felt before and I couldn't take my eyes off you.

“Act Two, Scene Two. A2, S2.” I pulled her close. “Remember?”
Her lips parted, and her cheeks turned pink. “Of course I do. The letter. Never doubt…”
“Never doubt, Willow.” I kissed her again. In that moment, it seemed so easy.
So perfect, I could almost forget the words were written for a tragedy.

“I’m so…not into being with someone right now,” Willow said with a nervous lilt to her words. “Not for a while, anyway.”
I heard a whisper on the breeze, or ever again. A heaviness in her eyes hinted she had lost something and had almost given up trying to find it.
She hasn’t given up, I thought, a fierce admiration welling in me. That’s why she’s doing the play. To find it again.
In that moment, I vowed to try to cut out all the egotistical bullshit and jealousy over Justin. The dance was out of range now anyway. I couldn’t ask her to go even if I wanted to. Which I didn’t. My job was to help her find what she was looking for in Hamlet, however I could. Even as it dented my eagerness to get the hell out of Harmony.
Willow shielded her eyes from the sun and squinted at me. “So what about you?”
“What about me?”
“Do you like anyone?” she asked, her voice a half tone higher than usual. She laughed. “That’s such a high school thing to ask.”
“No,” I said. “If all goes to plan, I’m leaving Harmony, remember? Stupid to start something now.”
“Sure. Makes sense.”
A silence fell.
“Yeah, so I probably won’t go to the dance,” Willow said. “I’m not good in that kind of situation anymore.”
“What kind of situation?”
She shook her head. “Never mind. I should get back.”
Willow started to scoot down off the block. I held my hand out to her to help. She hesitated for a fraction of a second and then took it. I held my other hand out and she took that too. I steadied her as she hopped down and then we were standing face to face. Close enough I could see her pale blue eyes had lighter shards of blue in them, like a topaz. Close enough to smell the sweetness of her breath—coffee tinged with sugar. Close enough to dance if we wanted.
“Thanks,” Willow said, gazing up at me.
“Sure,” I said.
I still held her hands. She didn’t let go.
“So,” she breathed, still not moving.
I glanced down at our hands. I hadn’t touched something this soft and good in ages. The sleeve of her coat bunched up and I spied a black mark on the inside of her forearm, close to her wrist. Willow drew in a breath as I turned her hand over. An X, about the size of a quarter, was stark on her pale skin.
She tugged her hands away. “I really need to get back.”
Every instinct cried out to take her hand again, to ask her what the X meant. To lick my thumb and erase it off her skin. I didn’t know what it meant but the sight of it made my stomach feel heavy.
“I doodle when I’m bored. I told you that.” Her voice was sharp but her smile wobbled. “Let’s go.”
We walked the short distance back to town wordlessly. Back in front of the theater, Willow shouldered her bag and glanced around. “Thanks for today. I think Martin would be happy with our progress.”
“I do too.”
God, would he, I thought.
“So, I guess I’ll see you Monday?” she said.
“You have a ride home?”
“Oh, uh…” She still wouldn’t meet my eyes. “I was thinking of walking.”
“To Emerson Hills?” I said. “That’s a mile and a half and it’s getting dark soon.”
She raised her brows. “I’m not allowed to walk in the dark?”
“You’re allowed,” I said, “but I don’t want you to.”

Where to find Emma:
Twitter: @EmmaS_writes
Instagram: @emmascottwrites



/Pictures from Emma Scott/
