Megjelenés ideje: 2018. mårcius 28.
KiadĂł: CreateSpace Independent
Publishing Platform
Oldalak szĂĄma: 330
I haven’t always been this bad…
Up until recently, I was the kind of girl who wore white cotton panties and bent at the knees rather than the waist.
Pomp and circumstance changed all that.
Jaxson Cassidy was my first taste of bad, and I liked it more than I should have. Just not in the way I was meant to. I couldn’t help myself though. I found him irresistible. That sexy grin, those skilled fingers, and that dirty, dirty mouth were a lethal combination.
I wasn’t supposed to want him. I wasn’t supposed to let him put his hands on me. I wasn’t supposed to do a lot of things…but I did.
He wants to keep me close.
I should push him away.
He says he can help me.
I’m not so sure.
For some reason, he thinks there’s good left in me.
What if he’s wrong?
Everyone knows a good boy can’t turn a bad girl around.
Everyone knows it’s always the other way.
Everyone…except him.
Up until recently, I was the kind of girl who wore white cotton panties and bent at the knees rather than the waist.
Pomp and circumstance changed all that.
Jaxson Cassidy was my first taste of bad, and I liked it more than I should have. Just not in the way I was meant to. I couldn’t help myself though. I found him irresistible. That sexy grin, those skilled fingers, and that dirty, dirty mouth were a lethal combination.
I wasn’t supposed to want him. I wasn’t supposed to let him put his hands on me. I wasn’t supposed to do a lot of things…but I did.
He wants to keep me close.
I should push him away.
He says he can help me.
I’m not so sure.
For some reason, he thinks there’s good left in me.
What if he’s wrong?
Everyone knows a good boy can’t turn a bad girl around.
Everyone knows it’s always the other way.
Everyone…except him.
*ARC kindly provided in
exchange for an honest review*
to love yourself as if you were a rainbow with gold at both ends.”

Jaxon Cassidy Ă©lete nagy lehetĆsĂ©ge
elĆtt ĂĄll, megkapja azt az ĂĄllĂĄst, amire minden fĂ©nykĂ©pĂ©sz vĂĄgyik. A nagy ĂĄlma
valĂłra vĂĄlik. Minden sĂnen van. EgĂ©szen egy Ă©jszakĂĄig, amikor is az egĂ©sz Ă©lete
teljes mértékben a feje tetejére fordul.
Sadie Ă©s Jaxon Ăștjai keresztezik
egymåst, és ezen a ponton kezd el igazån beindulni a történet. Hogyan
folytatĂłdik kettejĂŒk törtĂ©nete? EgyĂŒtt lesznek? MegkapjĂĄk a jĂłl megĂ©rdemelt happy
endjĂŒket? Minden vĂĄlasz a könyvben talĂĄlhatĂł.
Dupla wow.
Hogy nagyon-nagyon-nagyon Ćszinte
legyek: egyszerƱen csodĂĄlatos volt. Kim Karr Come A Little Closer cĂmƱ regĂ©nye
teljesen magåba szippantott. Nagyon jó és gyönyörƱséges történet, nagyon imådtam.
Röviden mĂ©g had Ărjak egy kicsit a
fĆszereplĆkrĆl. KezdjĂŒk is Jaxonnal, aki az egyik legjobb fĂ©rfi karakter,
akirĆl valaha is olvastam. Azonnal megkedveltem, annyira nagyszerƱ Ă©s egyben
nagyszĂĄjĂș karakter. Ami pedig a nĆi fĆszereplĆt illeti: Sadie-vel kapcsolatban
voltam kĂ©telyeim, de ezek hamar elillantak, Ă©s rĂĄjöttem, hogy Ć is egy igen jĂł
karakter. Szóval mindent egybevéve Kim Karr zseniålis karakterek alkotott,
nåluk pedig mår csak a történet zseniålisabb.
Ha ti azok közé az olvasók közé
tartoztok, akik szeretik a romantikus regényeket, akkor a Come A Little Closer
lesz az Ășj kedvencetek. Nagyon tudom ajĂĄnlani. BĂzzatok bennem, fantasztikus
Hmm… LenyƱgözĆ. ImĂĄdom.
karakter(ek): Jaxon (♥), Sadie
szimpatikus karakter(ek): -
Romantikus regények rajongói: ez lesz a ti könyvetek. Ne is vårjatok tovåbb,
szerezzétek be és élvezzétek ezt az érzelmekkel teli gyönyörƱséges történetet.
Nem is kérdés: nagyon megérdemli az 5 csillagot!!!!! Nagyon-nagyon imådtam.
think I found my inspiration in you, Sadie Banks. You’re my muse.”
I turned my wrist over and stared at the image of a
rainbow inked right over my pulse point. It was a reminder of the bright side.
The symbol of hope. Balance. Good luck. Of a better future. It all felt so
ironic now.
I wanted to have it.
I wanted to have it.
“You know,” he said, “sometimes I think the only way
to get by in this world is to step off for a while.”
whole thing is crazy. You should hate me. You know that, right?” I said.
(…)“Yeah, I do, but I’m tired of always being the good guy. Maybe for once I don’t want to do the right thing.”
(…)“Yeah, I do, but I’m tired of always being the good guy. Maybe for once I don’t want to do the right thing.”
angol nyelvƱ Ă©rtĂ©kelĂ©sem utĂĄn lĂĄthatjĂĄtok a könyv teljes borĂtĂłjĂĄt, valamint megtalĂĄlhatjĂĄtok a beszerzĂ©si Ă©s közössĂ©gi oldalas linkeket
Publishing date: March 28th, 2018
Publisher: CreateSpace Independent
Publishing Platform
Print Lenght: 330 pages
I haven’t always been this bad…
Up until recently, I was the kind of girl who wore white cotton panties and bent at the knees rather than the waist.
Pomp and circumstance changed all that.
Jaxson Cassidy was my first taste of bad, and I liked it more than I should have. Just not in the way I was meant to. I couldn’t help myself though. I found him irresistible. That sexy grin, those skilled fingers, and that dirty, dirty mouth were a lethal combination.
I wasn’t supposed to want him. I wasn’t supposed to let him put his hands on me. I wasn’t supposed to do a lot of things…but I did.
He wants to keep me close.
I should push him away.
He says he can help me.
I’m not so sure.
For some reason, he thinks there’s good left in me.
What if he’s wrong?
Everyone knows a good boy can’t turn a bad girl around.
Everyone knows it’s always the other way.
Everyone…except him.
Up until recently, I was the kind of girl who wore white cotton panties and bent at the knees rather than the waist.
Pomp and circumstance changed all that.
Jaxson Cassidy was my first taste of bad, and I liked it more than I should have. Just not in the way I was meant to. I couldn’t help myself though. I found him irresistible. That sexy grin, those skilled fingers, and that dirty, dirty mouth were a lethal combination.
I wasn’t supposed to want him. I wasn’t supposed to let him put his hands on me. I wasn’t supposed to do a lot of things…but I did.
He wants to keep me close.
I should push him away.
He says he can help me.
I’m not so sure.
For some reason, he thinks there’s good left in me.
What if he’s wrong?
Everyone knows a good boy can’t turn a bad girl around.
Everyone knows it’s always the other way.
Everyone…except him.
*ARC kindly provided in
exchange for an honest review*
to love yourself as if you were a rainbow with gold at both ends.”

Jaxon Cassidy is a photographer and he
gets the chance of his life: shooting for Sport Illustrated: Swimsuit Edition.
His dreams come true. Everything is alright. Until one night when everything
turns completely upside down.
Circumtances bring these two together
and that point the story just begins. What happens with them? Do they stay
together? Do they get their happily ever after? Every answer is in the book.
Duble wow.
To be very-very-very honest: it was amazing!
Come A Little Closer by Kim Karr was totally captivated me. It is such a good
and wonderful story, I really loved it. ♥
Let’s talk a
little bit about the two main characters. To start with: Jaxon is one of the
best bookish boyfriends ever. I immediatley loved him, he is so gorgeous, a
really good man, and also a dirty talker.
Sadie. Well,
at first, i had some doubts about her, but not so later, I really liked her. So
yes, Kim Karr created wonderful characters and an even more amazing story.
If you are a
readers, who like romantic novels, Come A Little Closer will be your new
favourite. I highly recommend itt o everyone, who likes these type of books.
Believe me, it was fantastic.
Hmm… Impressive. Love it.
character(s): Jaxon (♥), Sadie
didn’t like that/these character(s): -
it? Romance readers: this is your book. Do not wait any longer, go purchase and
enjoy this emotional and beautiful novel.
It is not a question: 5 stars!!!!! I adored it so so much.
think I found my inspiration in you, Sadie Banks. You’re my muse.”
I turned my wrist over and stared at the image of a
rainbow inked right over my pulse point. It was a reminder of the bright side.
The symbol of hope. Balance. Good luck. Of a better future. It all felt so
ironic now.
I wanted to have it.
I wanted to have it.
“You know,” he said, “sometimes I think the only way
to get by in this world is to step off for a while.”
whole thing is crazy. You should hate me. You know that, right?” I said.
(…)“Yeah, I do, but I’m tired of always being the good guy. Maybe for once I don’t want to do the right thing.”
(…)“Yeah, I do, but I’m tired of always being the good guy. Maybe for once I don’t want to do the right thing.”
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