Megjelenés ideje: 2018. március 11.
Sorozat: Dating by Numbers
A sorozat kötetei:
Three Blind Dates
Two Wedding Crashers
Oldalak száma: 372
I don’t know what love is anymore.
Well, that’s not entirely true, but I’m going to tell you a little secret: I’ve lost the spark.
You know the kind of spark I’m talking about?
Where butterflies take flight in your stomach from two hands innocently colliding. Or catching your breath when you first meet someone attractive. Yeah, that spark.
Except I haven't felt that feeling in forever; there is nothing left inside of me.
Normally, this wouldn’t be a problem--but I’m a writer on a serious deadline, and my editor is breathing down my neck for a romantic, Nicholas Sparks type love story. No pressure, right?
That's how I find myself flying across the country to crash a wedding in the name of research, dress and heels stuffed into my small suitcase.
It should be the easiest book research ever. Drinking some free champagne, basking in the love of two strangers, and tapping into my romantic side. That will be a breeze. I'm a pro. I can handle this.
Until I mistakenly end up in the wrong hotel room, naked as the day I was born, with the sexiest human I have ever met staring me down, wondering what I'm doing taking a shower in his bathroom. I don't think calling it research will get me out of this pickle.
But it will make for one hell of a story....


*ARC kindly provided in exchange for an honest review*

Someone has to push the limit in order to help people break through their comfort zone.

Kedves mindenki, engedjétek meg, hogy bemutassam nektek 2018 egyik legjobb könyvét. Ez a regény nem más, mint a szuper vicces, szuper édes, szuper imádnivaló Two Wedding Crashers a szuper tehetséges Meghan Quinn tollából.
A férfi főszereplő Beck Wilder. Beck legjobb barátja, Chris, meghívja őt egy esküvőre, ebből következően a férfi egyáltalán nem ismeri a menyasszonyt és a vőlegényt és még hivatalos meghívója sincs. Először nem is akar belemenni a dologba, de aztán nem sokkal később beleegyezik, és Chrisszel és feleségével, Justine-nel elutazik Key West-be.
A női főszereplő Rylee, aki egy igazán sikeres írónő, legfőképpen a romantikus-erotikus témában alkot. Azonban az élet nem mindig egyszerű, és ő is most egy ilyen nehezebb időszakkal néz szembe. Írói válságba került, egyszerűen nem tud semmi számára megfelelőt írni. A két legjobb barátnője – Victoria és Zoey – megpróbál segíteni neki, hogy kikerüljön ebből az állapotból. Kitalálják, hogy elmennek egy esküvőbe, ahogy Rylee láthatja az ifjú boldog és fülig szerelmes párt, és ez segítséget nyújthat neki, hogy visszanyerje a motivációját.
Rylee és Beck ugyanarra a lakodalomra érkezik meg, ugyanabból a célból. Csupán véletlen lenne az egész? Vagy a sors keze játszott szerepet benne?
Akármi is volt, mindkettejük élete egy pozitív fordulatot vesz. Nagyon pozitívat. Elképesztően boldogok együtt, élvezik egymás társaságát, rengeteg időt töltenek együtt. De vajon van ennek jövője Key Westen kívül? Vagy csupán csak egy hétvégi kis flört az egész, és ennyi? A titkaik megváltoztathatják az egymásról kialakított képüket? Minden kérdésre választ kaptok Meghan Quinn Two Wedding Crashers című regényében.
Őszintén, én tényleg úgy gondolom, hogy ez a könyv abszolút megérdemli 2018 egyik legjobb regénye címet. Tökéletes volt, minden szempontból. A karakterek valósághűek és szerethetőek voltak, az írásmód pedig gyönyörű. Számtalan alkalommal nevettetett meg, ugyanakkor voltak részek, amikor megszakadt a szívem a szereplőkért. Nagyszerű romantikus, azok, akik szeretik az ilyen típusú könyveket, biztos vagyok benne, hogy imádni fogják. Remélem egyszer lefordítják az írónő könyveit magyarra is, és még többen ismerhetik meg Meghan Quinn könyveit.

Borító: Nekem nagyon tetszik, szerintem szépséges lett.
Kedvenc karakter(ek): Beck (♥*-*), Rylee, Zoey, Victoria, Chris, Justine
Nem szimpatikus karakter(ek):
Ajánlom? Őszintén és nagyon ajánlom azoknak, akik szeretik a romantikus regényeket. Bízzatok bennem, imádni fogjátok.
Értékelés: Imááááádtam. ♥ 5 csillag.


Kedvenc idézet(ek):

Sometimes you have to hold on the things that tried to tear you down, because it’s good to be reminded why you’re going to succeed.

Clothes are just accessories. It’s what’s beneath us – our true selves – that matters.

Beck: Are you awake? You better say yes because I don’t hear you snoring unlike the last two nights.
Rylee: I don’t snore.
Beck: Ah, I knew that would get you to respond. No, you don’t snore, but I bet you’re a moaner.

”I work with my hands.”
”I work by myself.”
”Instead of a computer, I have shelves upon shelves of books on horticulture and habitats.”
”Most days I’m caged up with people staring at me from behind a glass wall.”
”What?” Her brows kints together. ”What kind of profession cages you…?” (…) ”Are you… are you a jungle stripper?”
”A what?” I laugh. ”Where the hell did you come up with that?”
”So you’re not a jungle stripper?”
”I don’t even know what a jungle stripper is. Is that a real thing?”
”Well, I don’t know, you tell me. You’re the one behind a glass with habitat books. It almost seems like you strip and educate about jungle at the same time, you know, using your hands and whatnot.”
(…) ”Oh, fuck, that’s amazing.”
”So, that’s a no?”
That’s a hard no. Sorry, detective, but you lost.”

You know connecting on a deeper level isn’t just about talking about your pasts and the dark parts of your lives, because that’s only a little segment of feeling something deeper with another human. Connecting with another soul is about complementing each other’s sense of humor, adventurous side, and of course, sexual chemistry. 

Beck: Can’t stop thinking about that smile of yours. The smile I got to see every day for the past few days, the one that brightened my vacation, the one that seems to be fogging up my brain now.

You aren’t living if you don’t have at least a little danger in your life.

Az angol nyelvű értékelésem után láthattok néhány idézetes képet, valamint megtalálhatjátok a beszerzési és a közösségi médiás linkeket is.


Publishing date: March 11th, 2018
Series: Dating by Numbers
Books in the series:
Three Blind Dates
Two Wedding Crashers
Print Lenght: 372 pages
I don’t know what love is anymore.
Well, that’s not entirely true, but I’m going to tell you a little secret: I’ve lost the spark.
You know the kind of spark I’m talking about?
Where butterflies take flight in your stomach from two hands innocently colliding. Or catching your breath when you first meet someone attractive. Yeah, that spark.
Except I haven't felt that feeling in forever; there is nothing left inside of me.
Normally, this wouldn’t be a problem--but I’m a writer on a serious deadline, and my editor is breathing down my neck for a romantic, Nicholas Sparks type love story. No pressure, right?
That's how I find myself flying across the country to crash a wedding in the name of research, dress and heels stuffed into my small suitcase.
It should be the easiest book research ever. Drinking some free champagne, basking in the love of two strangers, and tapping into my romantic side. That will be a breeze. I'm a pro. I can handle this.
Until I mistakenly end up in the wrong hotel room, naked as the day I was born, with the sexiest human I have ever met staring me down, wondering what I'm doing taking a shower in his bathroom. I don't think calling it research will get me out of this pickle.
But it will make for one hell of a story....


*ARC kindly provided in exchange for an honest review*

Someone has to push the limit in order to help people break through their comfort zone.

Dear everybody, let me introduce to you one of the books in 2018. That novel is the super funny, super sweet, super adorable Two Wedding Crashers by the super talented Meghan Quinn.
The male main character is Beck Wilder. His best friend, Chris, invites him to a wedding, but Beck does not know the bride and the groom, and he does not have and official invite. At first, Beck is not really into that thing, to crash a wedding, but not so later he says yes, and he travels with Chris and his wife, Justine to Key West.
The female protagonist is Rylee, who is a very successful romantic-erotic writer. On the other hand, life is not always that easy. She is now out of ideas, she can not write down even a sentence. But she has to find the solution, finish a book in four weeks. Her best friends – Victoria and Zoey – tries to help her, and they think that it would be good if Rylee goes to a wedding and see people in love. They think that she will get back her inspiration.
Rylee and Beck goes to the same wedding to crash it. Is it coincidence? Or fate?
Whatever is it, their lives changed in a positive way. Like a lot.
They spend so much time together, they are so happy, and really like each other. But they can stay together? Or is it just a weekend-long thing? The secrets, that they hold back, will change their lives? All the answers are in the Two Wedding Crashers by Meghan Quinn. Read and find out.
To be honest, I really do think that this novel deserves to be called „one of the best books in 2018”. It was perfect in every way. The characters are so realistic and loveable, and the writing was amazing. I laughed out loud several times, but sometimes my heart broke for the characters. It is a really-really good romantic book, and everybody, who likes these type of stories will absolutely love it. I hope that sometimes they will translate Meghan Quinn’s books to Hunagrian and more and more people will read from her.

Cover: I love it, it looks so beautiful.
Favourite character(s): Beck (♥*-*), Rylee, Zoey, Victoria, Chris, Justine
I didn’t  like that/these character(s):
Recommend it?: I highly and honestly recommend itt o readers, who love romantic stories. Trust me, you’ll love it.
Rating: I adooooored it. ♥ 5 stars.


Favourtie quote(s):

Sometimes you have to hold on the things that tried to tear you down, because it’s good to be reminded why you’re going to succeed.

Clothes are just accessories. It’s what’s beneath us – our true selves – that matters.

Beck: Are you awake? You better say yes because I don’t hear you snoring unlike the last two nights.
Rylee: I don’t snore.
Beck: Ah, I knew that would get you to respond. No, you don’t snore, but I bet you’re a moaner.

”I work with my hands.”
”I work by myself.”
”Instead of a computer, I have shelves upon shelves of books on horticulture and habitats.”
”Most days I’m caged up with people staring at me from behind a glass wall.”
”What?” Her brows kints together. ”What kind of profession cages you…?” (…) ”Are you… are you a jungle stripper?”
”A what?” I laugh. ”Where the hell did you come up with that?”
”So you’re not a jungle stripper?”
”I don’t even know what a jungle stripper is. Is that a real thing?”
”Well, I don’t know, you tell me. You’re the one behind a glass with habitat books. It almost seems like you strip and educate about jungle at the same time, you know, using your hands and whatnot.”
(…) ”Oh, fuck, that’s amazing.”
”So, that’s a no?”
That’s a hard no. Sorry, detective, but you lost.”

You know connecting on a deeper level isn’t just about talking about your pasts and the dark parts of your lives, because that’s only a little segment of feeling something deeper with another human. Connecting with another soul is about complementing each other’s sense of humor, adventurous side, and of course, sexual chemistry. 

Beck: Can’t stop thinking about that smile of yours. The smile I got to see every day for the past few days, the one that brightened my vacation, the one that seems to be fogging up my brain now.
You aren’t living if you don’t have at least a little danger in your life.





