Megjelenés ideje: 2018. május 1.
Kiadó: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
Sorozat: -
A sorozat kötetei: -
Oldalak száma: 340
From New York Times bestselling author Kendall Ryan comes a flirty new standalone about falling for your older brother's best friend.
There’s pretty much only one rule when you’re a guy.
Don’t be a douche.
Turns out, the fastest way to break that rule is to fall for your best friend’s sister.
Ava’s brilliant, sharp-tongued, gorgeous, and five years younger than me.
She’s the sexual equivalent of running with scissors. In a word, she’s dangerous. And completely off-limits.
Falling for her could ruin everything.
Yet I can’t seem to stop, even when her company is threatened by a lawsuit, and my promotion hinges on representing the opposing client—and winning.
I can’t see a way out of this mess that doesn’t end in a broken friendship, a broken heart, or a ruined career.
I may have broken the bro code when I fell for Ava. But do I have the balls to handle what comes next?


*ARC kindly provided in exchange for an honest review*

(…) true beauty was found within.

Nagyon-nagyon-nagyon-nagyon imádom Kendall Ryan stílusát és az összes könyvét. A Bro Code május 1-jén jelent meg, és ez egy újabb mestermű lett az írónő tollából. Kevesebb, mint egy nap alatt a végére értem, és egy újabb hatalmas kedvencet avattam.
A Bro Code egy nagyon aranyos barátságból-szerelem történet. A főhősnő a 25 esztendős Ava Saunders, aki mióta csak az eszét tudja fülig szerelmes bátyja legjobb barátjába, aki nem más, mint Barrett Wilson. Barrett öt évvel idősebb a nőnél, és egy igen sikeres ember. Jelenleg Chicago-ban lakik és ügyvédként dolgozik. Nagyon keményen és sokat dolgozik, és pontosan emiatt nincs ideje semmiféle párkapcsolatra. Minden egyes nap késő este ér haza teljesen fáradtan, és szerinte emiatt az a legjobb megoldás, ha egyedülálló marad. Ez neki így rendben van, azonban a családja aggódik miatta.


Egy nap meglátogatja a Saunders családot, és hosszú idő óta ez az első nap, amikor ő és Ava újra személyesen találkozik. Barrett egyszerűen képtelen levenni a szemeit a nőről, azonban ez az érzés kölcsönös, ugyanis Ava is még mindig vonzónak találja a férfit. Ő benne lenne abban, hogy a kapcsolatukat egy új szintre emeljék, azonban Barrett ragaszkodni akar ahhoz, hogy a legjobb barát húgához hozzá sem ér. De vajon mi történik akkor, ha ő is arra a döntésre jut, hogy a szabályok megszegése izgalmas lehet? Egy pár lesznek? Megkapják a jól megérdemelt happy endjüket? Minden kérdésetekre választ kaptok, ha elolvassátok Kendall Ryan Bro Code című regényét.
Mindent figyelembe véve, a Bro Code egy nagyon aranyos, eszméletlenül humoros, rendkívül szenvedélyes és elképesztően zseniális könyv. A karakterek imádnivalóak, nagyon jó humorérzékkel rendelkeznek, így a könyv olvasása során végig képesek mosolyt csalni az arcotokra. Ha egyszer elkezdtétek, nem lesztek képesek letenni. Igen, ennyire jó.


Borító: Hát, hát… elbűvölő.
Kedvenc karakter(ek): Barrett (♥♥), Ava, Nick, Megan
Nem szimpatikus karakter(ek): Mark
Ajánlom? Őszintén és nagyon ajánlom minden romantikus regény kedvelőnek (18 felett, mert több erotikus tartalmú jelenet is van benne). Higgyétek el, tetszeni fog.
Értékelés: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 5 CSILLAG ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


Kedvenc idézet(ek):

Wanting her is the equivalent of running with scissors. In a word, she’s dangerous. Wanting her this desperately could put an end to the closest friendship I’ve got, and worse than that, I sense she could leave me brokenhearted.

I know right then this won't be easy. It's in this exact moment I know I've already fallen for her, and that I probably won't ever get over my big, messy, fucked-up feelings for her. She can't be mine. Because I'll never be able to give her the time she deserves on top of all the other things that stand in our way. So why am I torturing myself? Because the thought of not touching her is a fate worse than death.


Publishing date: May 1st, 2018
Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
Series: -
Books in the series: -
Print lenght: 340 pages
From New York Times bestselling author Kendall Ryan comes a flirty new standalone about falling for your older brother's best friend.
There’s pretty much only one rule when you’re a guy.
Don’t be a douche.
Turns out, the fastest way to break that rule is to fall for your best friend’s sister.
Ava’s brilliant, sharp-tongued, gorgeous, and five years younger than me.
She’s the sexual equivalent of running with scissors. In a word, she’s dangerous. And completely off-limits.
Falling for her could ruin everything.
Yet I can’t seem to stop, even when her company is threatened by a lawsuit, and my promotion hinges on representing the opposing client—and winning.
I can’t see a way out of this mess that doesn’t end in a broken friendship, a broken heart, or a ruined career.
I may have broken the bro code when I fell for Ava. But do I have the balls to handle what comes next?


*ARC kindly provided in exchange for an honest review*

(…) true beauty was found within.

I love-love-love-love Kendall Ryan’s style and every of her books. Bro Code was released on May 1st, and it is another masterpiece by her. I finished this novel less than a day and I absolutely adored it. ♥
Bro Code is a super cute friends-to-lovers book. The heroine is the 25 years old Ava Saunders, who is completely in love with her brother’s best friend, Barrett Wilson. Barrett is five years older than her, and he has quite a successful life. He lives in Chicago and works as a lawyer. He really works hard, but because of that he does not have time for any relationship. He always get home late and by that time he is really tired, so he thinks that it is better if he stays single. And that worries his family. 


One day, he visit the Saunders’ family, and that is the first time when he and Ava first meet since a long time. Barrett can not take away his eyes from Ava, but she is also really attracted to him, too. Ava wants to have a little fun, but Barrett wants to stick to the Bro Code. Ava is forbidden for him, but they can not deny that they want each other. But what happens when he decide that breaking the rules is more fun? Will they become a couple? Will they get their happily ever after? You can get all the answers to your questions if you read Bro Code by Kendall Ryan.
Taking everything into account, Bro Code is a super sweet, super fun, super hot and super awesome novel by Kendall Ryan. Moreover, this is my absolute favourite from her right now. It is fantastic. The characters are adorable and all of them have a good sense of humor so they easily put a smile on your face during reading. Once you started, you won’t be able to put it down. Yes, it is so good. 


Cover: Well, well… fascinating.
Favourtie character(s): Barrett (♥♥), Ava, Nick, Megan
I didn’t like that/these charater(s): Mark
Recommend it? I highly and honestly recommend it to romance book lovers (18+ because there are lots of really-really hot scenes). Trust me, you’ll love it.
Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 5 STARS ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


Favourtie quote(s):

Wanting her is the equivalent of running with scissors. In a word, she’s dangerous. Wanting her this desperately could put an end to the closest friendship I’ve got, and worse than that, I sense she could leave me brokenhearted.

I know right then this won't be easy. It's in this exact moment I know I've already fallen for her, and that I probably won't ever get over my big, messy, fucked-up feelings for her. She can't be mine. Because I'll never be able to give her the time she deserves on top of all the other things that stand in our way. So why am I torturing myself? Because the thought of not touching her is a fate worse than death.



