Megjelenés ideje: 2018. május 26.
Kiadó: Enchanted Publications
Sorozat: -
A sorozat kötetei: -
Oldalak száma: 273
Seventeen-year-old Scout Ramsey’s life is a mess.
With a dead father and a junkie mom, she can’t imagine things can get
Then her mother tries to sell her for a bag of meth.
After her mom’s arrest, Scout’s forced to switch schools in the middle of senior year. Scared and alone, she pours her heart into her journal and dreams of the day she turns eighteen.
For Wyatt Campbell, senior year is predictable purgatory. Then the new girl steals his seat in history class, and suddenly, school’s not so bad. They bond through their love of music, and Wyatt finds himself falling hard for the journal-loving girl with the sad blue eyes.
Wyatt’s heard the rumors. He knows Scout’s had it rough.
He’s determined to be the one thing in her life that’s easy.
In this captivating teen novel, Sydney Logan weaves a touching story that tackles the heartbreak of addiction, the power of forgiveness, and the wonders of first love.
Then her mother tries to sell her for a bag of meth.
After her mom’s arrest, Scout’s forced to switch schools in the middle of senior year. Scared and alone, she pours her heart into her journal and dreams of the day she turns eighteen.
For Wyatt Campbell, senior year is predictable purgatory. Then the new girl steals his seat in history class, and suddenly, school’s not so bad. They bond through their love of music, and Wyatt finds himself falling hard for the journal-loving girl with the sad blue eyes.
Wyatt’s heard the rumors. He knows Scout’s had it rough.
He’s determined to be the one thing in her life that’s easy.
In this captivating teen novel, Sydney Logan weaves a touching story that tackles the heartbreak of addiction, the power of forgiveness, and the wonders of first love.
*ARC kindly provided in
exchange for an honest review*
”You may shoot me with your words,
You may cut me with your eyes,
You may kill me with your hatefullness,
But still, like air, I’ll rise.”
Egy igazán megható
történet két fiatalról. Ez volt Sydney Logan legújabb alkotása, a Between the
Raindrops. Lenyűgözően gyönyörű történet.
A történet főszereplője
Scout Ramsey, akinek egy tragikus nap óta már nem ugyanaz az élete. Az anyja
már nem régi önmaga, és szinte naponta a drogok és más és más férfiak
társaságát keresi. Anyagilag sem állnak jól, és ez még enyhe kifejezés volt.
Egy nap édesanyja hazatér aktuális partnerével, akinek hajlandó eladni a saját
vérszerinti lányát egy kis csomag drogért cserébe. Az „üzlet” azonban
egyáltalán nem az, aminek látszik. Kiderül, hogy az édesanya akkori partnere
igazából egy rendőr, aki azért férkőzött a nő közelébe, hogy megbizonyosodjon
róla, valóban illegális drogokat használ. Ha még ez nem lett volna elég, akkor
még jön rá az is, hogy a lányát hajlandó lett volna eladni, ez pedig jócskán súlyosbít
a helyzetén. A nőt letartóztatják, Scoutnak pedig sürgősen egy másik lakhelyet
kell találni, hiszen még csak 17 éves, és így szüksége van felnőtt felügyeletre
a törvény szerint. A lánynak van választási lehetősége: vagy egy árvaházban
helyezik el, vagy beköltözik az egyik rokonához. Scout semmiképpen sem akar
árvaházba kerülni, így a kisebbik rosszat választja, beköltözik a
nagybátyjához, akit az egész város ismer és tisztel.
A költözés miatt új
iskolába is kerül, az eddigihez képest egy gyönyörű és nagy házban lakik, az iskolában
barátokat is szerez, és egy fiú is felfigyel rá. Az élete gyakorlatilag ettől
kezdve egy száznyolcvan fokos fordulatot vesz, és úgy látszik, hogy végre Scout
is egy normális és boldog életet élhet. Azonban ez közel sem lesz így…
Sydney Logan Between the
Raindrops című regénye egy igazán lenyűgöző és elgondolkodtató olvasmány.
Gyönyörű, de ugyanakkor szívszorító is. Borzasztó az, amit a főhősnőnek kellett
átélni, de annyira jó volt látni, hogy erős tudott maradni, és újra tudta
építeni az életét. Ebben rengeteg segítséget kapott a Campbell családtól,
akinek a tagjai egyszerűen imádnivalóak voltak. Wyatt már az első perctől
kezdve hatalmas kedvencem lett, csakúgy, mint a húga. Sydney Logan nagyszerű
karaktereket alkotott, emellett nagyszerűen ír, és kiváló a történetvezetése. A
regény nem hagy unatkozni, váratlan fordulatokkal van tele, és gyakorlatilag
néhány óra leforgása alatt elolvasható.
Mindent egybevéve, bárkinek,
aki szereti a romantikus YA regényeket, nyugodt szívvel ajánlom. Nem fogjátok
megbánni, hogy elolvastátok.
Őszintén megmondva, vegyes érzéseim vannak ezzel a borítóval kapcsolatban.
Valami másra számítottam. Valami „esősebbre”.
karakter(ek): Scout, Wyatt, Zoie, Wyatt szülei
szimpatikus karakter(ek): Scout anyja és nagybátyja
Nagyon tudom ajánlani a romantikus regények kedvelőinek.
Nem is kérdés, megérdemli az öt csillagot.
”Where’s the gazebo?”
”Behind the music building. It’s a
big hangout for losers like my brother and my boyfriend who like to ditch class
every once in a while.”
”You do realize you just called your
boyfriend and your brother a couple of losers.”
”I say it with love.”
Everybody has something hidden
“So now you know. I’m a
“No, you’re not. You’ve been dealt a shit hand in life so far, but you’re not a freak. You’re smart. You’re pretty. You’re a hard worker and you’re nice to shitty customers when they absolutely don’t deserve it. You put up with my sister which means you’re one step away from sainthood, and you have the most beautiful blue eyes I’ve ever seen. You’re not a freak. You’re awesome. And it kills me that you don’t know that.”
“No, you’re not. You’ve been dealt a shit hand in life so far, but you’re not a freak. You’re smart. You’re pretty. You’re a hard worker and you’re nice to shitty customers when they absolutely don’t deserve it. You put up with my sister which means you’re one step away from sainthood, and you have the most beautiful blue eyes I’ve ever seen. You’re not a freak. You’re awesome. And it kills me that you don’t know that.”
Publishing date: May 26th, 2018
Publisher: Enchanted Publications
Series: -
Books in the series: -
Print Lenght: 273 pages
Seventeen-year-old Scout Ramsey’s life is a mess.
With a dead father and a junkie mom, she can’t imagine things can get
Then her mother tries to sell her for a bag of meth.
After her mom’s arrest, Scout’s forced to switch schools in the middle of senior year. Scared and alone, she pours her heart into her journal and dreams of the day she turns eighteen.
For Wyatt Campbell, senior year is predictable purgatory. Then the new girl steals his seat in history class, and suddenly, school’s not so bad. They bond through their love of music, and Wyatt finds himself falling hard for the journal-loving girl with the sad blue eyes.
Wyatt’s heard the rumors. He knows Scout’s had it rough.
He’s determined to be the one thing in her life that’s easy.
In this captivating teen novel, Sydney Logan weaves a touching story that tackles the heartbreak of addiction, the power of forgiveness, and the wonders of first love.
Then her mother tries to sell her for a bag of meth.
After her mom’s arrest, Scout’s forced to switch schools in the middle of senior year. Scared and alone, she pours her heart into her journal and dreams of the day she turns eighteen.
For Wyatt Campbell, senior year is predictable purgatory. Then the new girl steals his seat in history class, and suddenly, school’s not so bad. They bond through their love of music, and Wyatt finds himself falling hard for the journal-loving girl with the sad blue eyes.
Wyatt’s heard the rumors. He knows Scout’s had it rough.
He’s determined to be the one thing in her life that’s easy.
In this captivating teen novel, Sydney Logan weaves a touching story that tackles the heartbreak of addiction, the power of forgiveness, and the wonders of first love.
*ARC kindly provided in
exchange for an honest review*
”You may shoot me with your words,
You may cut me with your eyes,
You may kill me with your hatefullness,
But still, like air, I’ll rise.”
A truly emotional story
about two great teenager. That was Between the Raindrops by Sydney Logan. And
it was absolutely bueatiful.
The female main character
is Scout Ramsey, and since a tragic day her life is not the same. Her mother
changed a lot, she uses drogs and often changes her partners. They have severe
financial problems too, her mother does not want to work any more. One day,
Scout’s mother comes home with her boyfriend, and the woman is willing to sell
her own daughter to that man for a little bag of illegal drug. Actually, that
man is a cop, and he was hired to make sure that the woman uses this type of
durgs and get her arrested. The fact that she offered her daughter for drugs
makes her case more serious. The mother gets arrested, and they have to find a
place to stay for Scout. She has two choices, but she does not want to stay in
a house full of strangers, so she choses to stay with her uncle, who is
well-known in the city. Her uncle puts Scout into a very good school, she can
stay in a beautiful and quite big house, makes new friends and a boy is
interested in her. Her life seems to be normal again, but thing get complicated
Between the Raindrops by
Sydney Logan is a really wonderful story, it makes you think. Beautiful, but
heartbreaking at the same time. So horrible things happend with the
protagonist, but it is so good to see that she remained strong. The Campbell
family helps her a lot, they are so adorable people, i like them a lot. My
favourite is Wyatt, I really liked him from the first moment. Sydney Logan
created absolutely good characters, and her writing is really good. The book
does not let you be bored, there are lots of twists in it.
Taking everything into
account, I highly recommend Between the Raindrops to anyone who likes to read
romantic YA novels. You’ll love it.
Cover: To be honest, I have mixed
feelings about it. I expected something different. I suits the book and I love
that colour, but I expected something more rainy.
Favourtie character(s): Scout, Wyatt,
Zoie, Wyatt’s parents
I didn’t like that/these character(s):
Scout’s mom and uncle
Recommend it? I absolutely recommend it
to every romance reader.
Rating: I deserves 5 stars.
Favourite quote(s):
”Where’s the gazebo?”
”Behind the music building. It’s a
big hangout for losers like my brother and my boyfriend who like to ditch class
every once in a while.”
”You do realize you just called your
boyfriend and your brother a couple of losers.”
”I say it with love.”
Everybody has something hidden
“So now you know. I’m a
“No, you’re not. You’ve been dealt a shit hand in life so far, but you’re not a freak. You’re smart. You’re pretty. You’re a hard worker and you’re nice to shitty customers when they absolutely don’t deserve it. You put up with my sister which means you’re one step away from sainthood, and you have the most beautiful blue eyes I’ve ever seen. You’re not a freak. You’re awesome. And it kills me that you don’t know that.”
“No, you’re not. You’ve been dealt a shit hand in life so far, but you’re not a freak. You’re smart. You’re pretty. You’re a hard worker and you’re nice to shitty customers when they absolutely don’t deserve it. You put up with my sister which means you’re one step away from sainthood, and you have the most beautiful blue eyes I’ve ever seen. You’re not a freak. You’re awesome. And it kills me that you don’t know that.”
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